In Deuteronomy we get a behind the scenes look at what happened here.
When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance,
when he divided mankind,
he fixed the borders of the peoples
according to the number of the sons of God. (32:8)
There are some text variances of "the sons of God" but I won't discuss that here. The sons of God is a reference to fallen angels in the book of Job.
So God divides the nations and it seems that to each nation there is perhaps an evil or demonic force represented. It makes sense doesn't it? If you have ever been on a missions trip or to a different country you can sometimes easily feel the dark presence of some satanic force. Nations are captured in large by common temptations. What you can see as a clearly spiritual force in one country maybe completely normal to someone living in that culture.
It seems that fallen angels have:
- personality
- strength
- uniqueness
- finiteness, they are limited
So if each country has a predominate demon(s) it seems that the personality of that evil spirit will show itself more in that culture. Those living within it may not be able to recognize those traits though, they may just seem 'normal'.
So what might be some possible characteristics of spiritual strongholds in the States?
- Comfort
- Safety
- Materialism
- Selfishness
- Productivity and perhaps many others.
Psalms 82
God has taken his place in the divine council;
in the midst of the gods he holds judgement.